How To Re-Gift Extra Easter Chocolate In Creative Ways
Photo Source: Cassandra Russell
Every Easter I love to collect and develop more great ideas for the next year to make it even better. I am inspired by the adorable spring rabbit and egg shapes from an artistic point of view. This year my son who is 14 said, "Mom this year I am to old for an Easter Egg Hunt, make me a presentation." I was thrilled, I thought he meant a speech where I talked about Easter and he just sat there listening. When I expressed my happiness he said, "No Mom, I meant just lay it all out on the table and make one of those tablescapes..."
I went on to create a tablescape Sunday morning complete with Portuguese Custard Tarts for a light breakfast. The children had received some much chocolate the day before from friends and family, that I made it a healthy challenge. If you are wondering what to do with left over Easter Chocolate you might want to make a jar like the one above left. This can be come a great center piece by placing the canister on a small cake plate. It is also easily gift-able.
Healthy Chocolate Bunny Gift
1. Take a canister jar and fill the bottom with granola.
2. Remove chocolate bunny from the box.
3. Add a ribbon necktie to the chocolate bunny's neck.
4. Anchor the bunny in the center of the granola.
5. You could include suggestions or verbally suggest your gift recipient later chop the chocolate to be sprinkled onto the granola for a healthy snack. You can also re-use the glass canister.
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There are also more ideas rounded up on my Spring Pinterest board.
Here is Martha Stewart's candy base version I was inspired by:
Another version of the Easter Jar from UK's Ideal Home Magazine:
Photo Source: Simon Scarboro
I like this great up-cycling idea from handmadefesta because you don't need to paint the animals, just hot glue the fringe onto the jar lids first and then add the animals to the tops.
This super cool cloth gift bag from the Poppytalk blog is made form creme linen looks like the children's book character Miffy.
Another great idea for left over chocolate bunnies is to add them on to a cupcake. You might want to make it more healthy by adding a little egg or bunny to the top of a healthy bran or carrot muffin as a healthy alternative.
This super simple recycled paper berry baskets (clean gently with dish soap and water, then let dry) filled with paper grass is another way to gift any extra chocolate. This idea comes from A Pretty Life. Blogger and Mom Joann Rooney uses these arrangements on each table setting. I am going to use this idea to make a sweet treat to give some extra eggs to my daughter's friend's little brother because there is a point where my kids will get tired of eating chocolate and it will just sit there. Do you have extra candy and chocolate hanging around that you might tempted to eat? Give it away using these creative ideas.